Year 1 Startup Learnings

to be written

Lily Konkoly Questions

  1. Some people think that the key to success lies within their daily routine. Do you agree with this, and if so, what is your daily routine?
    1. I might actually disagree with this exact question… 🙂 Instead, I believe that:

    2. Success is more related to consistency than strictly a daily routine per say. Meaning, for example, a weekly or monthly routine, for instance, could all still contribute to success, as long as done in a consistent manner.
    3. Ascribing one thing as a “key” to success is extreme. Rather, I think success is a factor of: consistency and/or discipline x a dash of luck x resilience in the face of challenges x a healthy amount of taking chances = success. 🙂
    4. My daily routine these days:

    5. Wake up around 7AM
    6. Coffee, and other miscellaneous personal things until about 8 or 9AM (e.g. skincare routine, exercise, journal, etc.)
    7. Work until about 6PM on average.
      • Eat lunch in between if I remember. I’m pretty bad at this one, admittedly! 🙂
    8. Dinner break until about 8PM.
    9. Work or do other miscellaneous things (hang with friends, trivia night, exercise, personal errands) until about 10PM.
    10. Night ritual (skincare, brush teeth, floss, read) and get to bed around 10PM.
  2. Looking back at your teenage years, did you have any entrepreneurial interests?
  3. Honestly, I don’t necessarily think so, which is an odd backstory for a founder! Many tech founder or entrepreneur childhood stories talk about how, at a young age, they built their own computers or started their own versions of a “lemonade stand.”

    Where I grew up in the Philippines, we weren’t always afforded the ability to dream about becoming our own bosses. Majority of us were bred to only think about becoming a doctor or engineer or lawyer or finance person.

    I personally studied in a science high school and thought I might become a doctor or engineer because it was the “it” profession, and naturally the default career path to take.

    It was only after high school (when ironically I realized I didn’t want to be a doctor or scientist after going to a science high school) and when I studied abroad that I even thought that becoming a startup founder was a viable path I could take.

  4. Is there a specific time of day where you feel most productive?
  5. Interestingly, in the evenings. It hits around 4 or 5PM until 9 or 10PM. Which is a bit unfortunate sometimes because this sometimes conflicts with dinner catchups and other events.

    Next best is mornings!

  6. Do you think there is one character trait/skill that is important to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur in todays world?
  7. Absolutely resilience in the face of challenging times! That resilience is often paired with TLC with the problem you are working on.

  8. Has being a woman in the business world affected you positively or negatively, how so?
  9. Ah, this is a hard question to answer.

    The answer is yes, to both.

    I’m so proud to be a woman, and think it’s afforded me unique opportunities and insights that my male counterparts (the majority in my industry) may not readily have.

  10. What is one major goal that you wish to achieve by 2030?
  11. Exit my startup successfully. 🙂

  12. Who is your biggest influence and why?
  13. Probably my dad, who helped me push myself and challenge myself growing up.

  14. If you could pick one female entrepreneur, who would you say is your biggest inspiration?
  15. I’m going to cheat and pick two. 😀 Maria Ressa and Sheila Marcelo are my biggest inspirations. Maria Ressa's fearless journalism and dedication to truth in the face of adversity is awe-inspiring. Sheila Marcelo's entrepreneurial journey, especially founding a successful company that focuses on social impact, resonates deeply with me. Their achievements remind me of the incredible heights women can reach in the business world, serving as constant motivation for my own entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Most importantly: they are both Filipina - Filipino women. They are living examples of fearless entrepreneurs who look like me, grew up in a parallel values system and heritage as me, fought for what they believed in, and came out successful despite the odds.

  16. What has been the most formative advice you have received and why?
  17. “Challenge yourself.” These two, simple words, offered by my dad, have been incredibly formative. It taught me the importance of pushing my boundaries, stepping out of my comfort zone, and embracing challenges. This advice has shaped my approach to entrepreneurship, reminding me that growth often comes from facing difficult situations and learning from them.

  18. What has been the most impressive / memorable question anyone has ever asked you?
  19. “If you were a butterfly, why?” This was a “BONUS” question on a test that our English teacher in high school asked us. Seriously. After that, it became a meme with the rest of our class.

    Memes aside, a simple question I’m asked my close friends and family (and myself, really) is, “Are you happy?” Always good to check in with myself on this. That despite the constant desire to push myself and rise to higher heights, I also need to make sure I’m enjoying the process along the way.

  20. If you have siblings are they also entrepreneurs?
  21. I do! No they are not in the traditional sense of the way (e.g. as a business) but they’ve started their own things here and there — school organizations, charity events, and the like. 🙂

  22. Do you think the drive to become an entrepreneur is born with or is learned?
  23. Judging by my non-traditional entrepreneurial upbringing, it’s definitely socialized and learned. 🙂