Built an App in 1 Hour with AI

AI just turned my two-day project into a three-hour win.


I wanted a simple Guestbook app for my personal website, inspired by Mike Karnjanaprakorn and the guestbook on his website (his even lets you draw!)

I gave myself two days to work on the project.

But... with the help of (you guessed it) AI, I had a working prototype in about an hour and finished the whole thing in just three hours!

How did I do it?

1️⃣ Generated the frontend using Vercel’s v0 product (typed in a prompt, and voilà!).

2️⃣ Hooked it up to a Postgres database using Vercel's integration with Neon.

3️⃣ Pushed it to my GitHub repository with a single Terminal command from v0.

I’m now planning to repurpose this guestbook for our wedding website! 💍 (Stay tuned!)

I was blown away by how quickly I spun this up, especially as I don’t code on the regular. While I do have a fair technical background, I still think tools like v0 (and so many others on the market) are making it SO EASY for anyone to build anything. 🤯

Sign my guestbook: Mika Reyes GuestbookMika Reyes Guestbook